A simple method to dramatically shrink your carbon footprint

Stacked stones

We tend to think of “being green” as something we need to worry about all the time. It doesn’t have to be. If we focus on the big, really impactful things in our lives, we can do our civic duty and still have ample time for the fun stuff.

The latest IPCC report says that in order to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees C over the preindustrial average, we need to cut global emissions by 50 percent by 2030. We can simplify that math a little by saying we need to cut emissions in half over the next ten years.

Let’s assume that global emissions can be divvied up between all of the 7 billion humans on Earth. Then we would each need to take on the goal of cutting our share of the emissions in half over the next ten years. [The reality of which emissions individuals can have any real impact on is a million times more complicated than this, but we’re just looking for a reasonable benchmark to aim for, let it go for now]

The Super Easy Math

The “average” American’s carbon footprint is somewhere around 20 tons per year. This makes for delightfully easy math:

Current footprint: 20 tons

Goal footprint in 10 years: 20 /2 = 10 tons

Annual footprint reduction goal: 1 ton

If we want to cut our carbon emissions in half over the next ten years, then every year we need to reduce our carbon footprint by one ton.

The Plan

This plan is beautiful in its simplicity:


Step 1. Find an area where you can cut your footprint by one ton.

Step 2. Get it done.

Step 3. You’re done! Go have some fun and check back in next year. Do not worry about any of the other things you could be doing.


Step 1. Find another area where you can cut your footprint by one ton.

Step 2. Get it done. Remember not to backslide on the great work you did last year.

Step 3. Another year is in the bag!

2021: Repeat.

2022: Repeat.

2023: Repeat.

2024: Repeat.

2025: Repeat.

2026: Repeat.

2027: Repeat

2028: Repeat. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for meeting the IPCC goal 2 years ahead of schedule!

Looking for emissions reductions in 1 ton increments will help keep your eyes on the prize, and prevent you from being distracted by all the million little things you could be doing. I published a list of six ideas to get us all started.


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